Our members have more than 350 published collaborative papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, with a total of more than 7000 citations to these papers in the research literature.
Below are the selected collaborative publications of our members, which demonstrate our exceptional analytical capabilities and capacity to deliver presentable and valuable outcomes in a variety of consulting and research areas.
Selected Journal Papers:
- Gramotnev, D.K., Gramotnev G., Gramotnev A., Summers M.J. 2022. “Path analysis of biomarkers for cognitive decline in early Parkinson’s disease”, PLoS ONE, 17(5), e0268379.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev D. K., Gramotnev A. 2019. “Parkinson’s disease prognostic scores for progression of cognitive decline”, Scientific Reports, 9, 17845.
- du Plessis, A. E., Cullinan, M., Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev D. K., Hoang, N. T. H.., Mertens, L., Roy, K., Schmidt, A. 2020. “The multilayered effects of initial teacher education programs on the beginning teacher workforce and workplace: Perceptions of beginning teachers and their school leaders”, International Journal of Educational Research, 99, 101488.
- Nilsson, D., Gramotnev, G., Baxter, G., Butler, J., Wich, S. A., McAlpine, C. A. 2016. “What motivates communities in developing countries to adopt conservation behaviors? A Sumatran orangutan case study”, Conservation Biology, 30, 816-826.
- Nguyen, H.-N., McAlpine, C. A., Pullar, D., Leisz, S. J., Gramotnev, G. 2015. “Drivers of costal shoreline change: Case study of Hon Dat coast, Kien Giang, Vietnam”, Environmental Management, 55, 1093-1108.
- McAlpine, C. A., Bowen, M. E., Smith, G. C., Gramotnev, G., Smith, A. G., Lo Cascio, A., Goulding, W., Maron, M. 2015. “Reptile abundance, but not species richness, increases with regrowth age and spatial extent in fragmented agricultural landscapes of eastern Australia”, Biological Conservation, 184, 174-181.
- Davies, N. A., Gramotnev, G., Seabrook, L., McAlpine, C., Baxter, G., Lunney, D., Rhodes, J. R., Bradley, A. 2014. “Climate-driven changes in diet composition and physiological stress in an arboreal folivore at the semi-arid edge of its distribution”, Biological Conservation, 172, 80-88.
- Brown, N. J., Kimble, R. M., Gramotnev, G., Rodger, S., Cuttle, L. 2013. “Predictors of re-epithelialization in pediatric burn injury”, Burns, 40, 751-758.
- Davies, N. A., Gramotnev, G., McAlpine, C., Seabrook, L., Baxter, G., Lunney, D., Rhodes, J. R., Bradley, A. 2013. “Physiological stress of koala populations near the arid edge of their distribution”, PLOS ONE, 8, e79136.
- Davies, N. A., Gramotnev, G., Seabrook, L., Bradley, A., Baxter, G., Rhodes, J. R., Lunney, D., McAlpine, C. 2013. “Movement patterns of an arboreal marsupial at the edge of its range: a case study of the koala”, Movement Ecology, 1, No.8.
- Mason, D. R., Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2012. “Thermal tweezers for nano-manipulation and trapping of interacting atoms or nanoparticles on crystalline surfaces”, J. Chem. Phys., 137, 114701.
- Burchill, M. J., Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., Davison, B. M., Flegg, M. B. 2011. “Monitoring and analysis of combustion aerosol emissions from fast moving diesel trains”, Science of the Total Environment, 409, 985-993.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2011. “Psychological stress and psychosomatic treatment: Major impact on serious blood disorders?”. NeuroImmunoModulation, 18, 171-183.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2011. “Generalized stress: A unifying concept for psychological stress and psychosomatic interventions”. NeuroImmunoModulation, 18, 377.
- Flegg, M. B., Mason, D. R., Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2010. “A method for the analysis of thermal tweezers for manipulation and trapping of nanoparticles and adatoms on crystalline surfaces”, J. Appl. Phys., 107, 104317.
- Skladnev, V., Tarnavskii, S., McGregor, T., Ghevondian, N., Gourlay, S., Jones, T. 2010. “Hypoglycemia alarm enhancement using data fusion”, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 4, 34-40.
- Skladnev, V., Ghevondian, N., Tarnavskii, S., Paramalingam, N., Jones, T. 2010. “Clinical evaluation of a noninvasive alarm system for nocturnal hypoglycemia”, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 4, 67-74.
- Flegg, M. B., Pollett, P. K., Gramotnev, D. K. 2008. “Ehrenfest model for the condensation and evaporation processes in degrading aggregates with multiple bonds”, Phys. Rev. E, 78, 031117. (Selected for the September 22, 2008 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology).
- Flegg, M. B., Gramotnev, D. K. 2008. “Exact solution for stochastic degradation / fragmentation processes in arbitrary chain and ring aggregates with multiple bonds”. Phys. Rev. E, 77, 021105. (Selected for the February 18, 2008 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology).
- Gramotnev, G., Madl, P., Gramotnev, D. K., Burchill, M. J. 2007. “Urban background aerosols: Negative correlations of particle modes and fragmentation mechanism”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L11811.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K. 2007. “Multi-channel statistical analysis of combustion aerosols. Part I: Canonical correlations and sources of particle modes”, Atmospheric Environment, 41, pp.3521–3534.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2007. “Multi-channel statistical analysis of combustion aerosols. Part II: Anti-correlations of particle modes and fragmentation theorem”, Atmospheric Environment, 41, pp.3535–3545.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2007. “Kinetics of stochastic degradation/evaporation processes in nanoparticle aggregates and polymer-like systems with multiple bonds”, J. Appl. Phys., 101, 084902.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2005. “A new mechanism of aerosol evolution near a busy road: fragmentation of nano-particles”, Journal of Aerosol Science, 36, pp.323-340.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. 2005. “Modelling of aerosol dispersion from a busy road in the presence of nanoparticle fragmentation”, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44, pp.888–899.
- Gramotnev, G., Ristovski Z., Brown, R., Madl, P. 2004. “New methods of determination of emission factors for two groups of vehicles on a busy road”, Atmospheric Environment, 38, pp.2607-2610.
- Gramotnev, G. 2004. “Determination of the average emission factors for three different types of vehicles on a busy road”. Journal of Aerosol Science, 35, S1089-S1090.
- Gramotnev, G., Brown, R., Ristovski, Z, Hitchins, J., Morawska, L. 2003. “Determination of emission factors for vehicles on a busy road”. Atmospheric Environment, 37, pp. 465-474.
- Gramotnev, G., Ristovski, Z., Brown, R., Morawska, L., Madl, P. 2003. “New method of determination of emission factors for different types of vehicles on a busy road”. Journal of Aerosol Science, 34s, S259-S260.
- Gramotnev, G., Ristovski, Z., Morawska, L., Thomas, S. 2003. “Statistical analysis of correlations between air pollution in the city area and temperature and humidity”. Journal of Aerosol Science, 34s, S715-S716.
Selected Conference Papers:![Shipreck](/images/Shipreck.jpg)
- Gramotnev, A., Lagopoulos, J., Summers, M. J., Gramotnev, G., “Multiple-marker characterisation of cognition deficits in early Parkinson’s disease”, Proc. of The 8th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 22–25 November 2018, p. 53.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev A., “From statistical computing to clinical practice: Integrated biomarkers for cognition in early Parkinson's disease”, Proc. of The 8th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 22–25 November 2018, p. 52.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., “Progression of cognitive deterioration in Parkinson’s disease patients”, Proc. of The 7th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23–26 November 2017, p. 44.
- Gramotnev, A., Gramotnev, G., “Statistical modelling of cognitive function at early stages of Parkinson’s disease”, Proc. of The 7th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23–26 November 2017, p. 44.
- Nilsson, D., McAlpine, C., Baxter, G., Butler, J., Wich, S., Gramotnev, G., “Understanding socio-psychological factors within community-based conservation programs. A case study of the Sumatran orang-utan”, Pathways 2014 Conference (HDFW 2014), Colorado State University, USA, 2014
- Brown, N., Rodger, S., Gramotnev, G., Kimble, R. M., Cuttle, L., “Predictors of re-epithelialisation following burn injury in children: A cross sectional study”, Australian and New Zealand Burns Association 37th Annual Scientific Meeting 2013 (ANZBA 2013), Fremantle, Perth, 15-18 October 2013
- Zivot, A., Kimble, R., McBride, C., Gramotnev, G., Cuttle, L., “Negative pressure wound therapy use and complications in a one year cohort study”, Australian and New Zealand Burns Association 37th Annual Scientific Meeting 2013 (ANZBA 2013), Fremantle, Perth, 15-18 October 2013
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., “Fluctuation approach for modelling of evolutionary processes in atmospheric particles”, 2nd Int. Symp. Modeling of Nonlinear Processes and Systems (MNPS-2011), 6-10 June, Moscow, Russia, 2011, p. 96-97.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. “Chronic stress caused by workplace bullying and myeloproliferative blood neoplasms”, The 8th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment – Future Challenges, 12-15 June 2012, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 72-73.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., “Generalised stress: A unifying model for psychological stress and psychosomatic treatment”, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2011), 28 June – 2 July, 2011, Krakow, Poland, p. 368.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G., “Generalised stress as a new concept in psychoneuroimmunology”, The 21st World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM2011), 25-28 August 2011, Seoul, Korea, p. 167.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G., “Impact of psychological stress and hypnotic treatment on myeloproliferative blood diseases: New treatment opportunities”, The 21st World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM2011), 25-28 August 2011, Seoul, Korea, p.165.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., “Antisymmetric correlation patterns for particle modes in background aerosols”, 19th Biannual Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 December 2010.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., “Fluctuation approach to the analysis of atmospheric aerosols and their sources”, 19th Biannual Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 December 2010.
- Skladnev, V., Ghevondian, N., Tarnavskii, S., Paramalingam, N., Jones, T. “Clinical evaluation of a noninvasive alarm system for nocturnal hypoglycemia”, Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, USA, November 5-7, 2009, p. A161.
- Gramotnev, G., Burchill, M. J., Gramotnev, D. K., “Micrometeorology and nanoparticle concentrations near a busy road”, 18th Biannual Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, 30 November – 5 December 2008, Adelaide, Australia.
- Mason, D. R., Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G., “Thermal tweezers of interacting particles on surfaces”, 2008 European Aerosol Conference (EAC2008), August, 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Gramotnev, G., Burchill, M. J., Gramotnev, D. K., “Links between micrometeorology and traffic emissions near a busy road”, 2008 European Aerosol Conference (EAC2008), August, 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Burchill, M. J., Flegg, M. B., Davison, B. M., Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., “Analysis of Combustion Aerosols from Diesel Trains”, 18th National Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, 30 November – 5 December 2008, Adelaide, Australia, pp.159-162.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K. “New statistical methods of analysis of atmospheric aerosols”, 2007 European Aerosol Conference (EAC2007), September 9 – 14, 2007, Salzburg, Austria, T13A207.
- Burchill, M. J., Gramotnev, D. K., Bostrom, T. E., Mason, D. R., Gramotnev, G. “Deposition of composite aerosol particles and their subsequent evolution through surface diffusion”, 2007 European Aerosol Conference (EAC2007), September 9 – 14, 2007, Salzburg, Austria, T09A009.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K., “Cross-correlations of particle modes at different distances from a busy road”, 2007 European Aerosol Conference (EAC2007), September 9 – 14, 2007, Salzburg, Austria, T14A028.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K. Multi-channel statistical analysis of combustion aerosols: Canonical correlations and sources of particle modes, 7th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2006), 10-15 September 2006, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. Anti-correlations of particle modes and fragmentation theorem for combustion aerosols, 7th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2006), 10-15 September 2006, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
- Gramotnev, G., Madl, P., Gramotnev, D. K. Anti-symmetric correlations of particle modes in urban background aerosols, 7th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2006), 10-15 September 2006, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Flegg, M. B., Gramotnev, G. “Stochastic evaporation/degradation processes in complex structures with multiple bonds”, 17th Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Brisbane, Australia, 3 – 8 December 2006, Abstract 748.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. “Anti-symmetric correlation pattern for particle modes in combustion and background aerosols: Fragmentation theorem”, 17th Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Brisbane, Australia, 3 – 8 December 2006, Abstract 795.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K. “Multi-channel statistical analysis for the detailed investigation of combustion aerosols”, 17th Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Brisbane, Australia, 3 – 8 December 2006, Abstract 797.
- Gramotnev, D. K., Gramotnev, G. Combustion nanoparticle aerosols: Mechanisms of evolution and modelling, Aerosol Workshop, 30 March – 1 April 2005, Sydney, Australia (invited talk).
- Gramotnev, G., Madl, P. Multi-channel statistical analysis of background fine particle aerosols, European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2005), Ghent, Belgium, p. 697.
- Gramotnev, G., Gramotnev, D. K. New statistical method of determination of particle modes in the presence of strong turbulent mixing. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Vienna, Austria, 14-16 September 2004, H4.
- Gramotnev, G., Thomas, S., Morawska, L., Ristovski, Z. Canonical correlation analysis of fine particle and gaseous pollution in the city area, Proc. of Sixth International Aerosol Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (September 9 – 13, 2002), pp. 873-874.