Qualitative analysis is an important part of analytical solutions. It allows a valuable non-structured insight into possible solutions, and is generally not constrained by initial assumptions or expectations or perceptions or bias. Qualitative analysis is often used to gain a preliminary view on a particular research topic or subject, and to unveil any possible issues or variables associated with the matters or questions under investigation.

ACHSOL has extensive experience and expertise in implementing qualitative analysis of a variety of issues from social sciences, education and information technology to marketing and business management. 


Earth 400Qualitative analysis often deals with unstructured data and information presented in a variety of forms including transcribed or recorded interviews, social media posts, websites, reports, documents of various nature, open questions in surveys and questionnaires, etc. Data codings, identification of common themes and sub-themes, visualisation techniques are tipically used to devive useful qualitative outcomes. Subsequent quantitative analysis involving any identified codes, themes and/or variables is typically required to further corroborate, quantify, and validate qualitative outcomes. On the other hand, qualitative analysis could also be used to corroborate and validate quantitative framework and test for its completeness, including identification of any additional issues, themes or variables potentially missing from the quantitative analytical framework. 

To simplify and expedite qualitative analysis, relevant software packages are used enabling computerised coding and theme identification within non-structured documents available in the form of written or verbal or visual records of the relevant information.

At ACHSOL, we typically use the NVivo software package with a variety of convenient and powerful tools for data visualisation, transcription, coding, analysis of social media feeds, and fast generation of insights and useful qualitative outcomes. 

We also employ mixed approaches where qualitative and quantitative methods are used side by side cross validating each other and producing comprehensive answers to your complex analytical questions and problems.