Business data analysis and simulations are our major consulting areas. ACHSOL's related expertise includes:

  • Assistance with optimised data collection;
  • Data analysis and simulations tailored to your needs and requirements;
  • Evaluation of problems, potential pitfalls, and performance characteristics for your organisation or business;
  • Strategies and recommendations for optimisation of business management, use of the available resources and finances, effective decision-making, identification of the critical factors affecting your business, etc.; and
  • Our on-going support to help you maintain an edge over your competitors.

We have extensive experience and expertise in ecology and environment, which are proven by our track record - see Publications of Our Members. Our members undertook and successfully completed consulting and research projects in a variety of areas including:

  • Atmospheric environment, atmospheric processes and meteorology;
  • Combustion aerosols and emissions;
  • Sustainable urban development;
  • Climate change and its impacts;
  • Renewable energy;
  • Coastal erosion;
  • Ecological habitats and species conservation;
  • Proliferation of pests and diseases; etc.

Over recent years, we have been involved and successfully completed numerous research and consultancy projects in medical and health sciences, clinical studies, and associated areas. These projects were related to:

  • Development of new diagnostic biomarkers and techniques;
  • Analysis of clinical trials and their outcomes;
  • Development and evaluation of new treatments and interventions;
  • Evaluation of drug effects;
  • Assessment of psychological impacts on diseases and health, etc.;

Some of the selected projects involving our members are briefly discussed below. 


Population health, epidemiology, and population studies are the areas of our particular expertise. We will be happy to provide you with our expert advice and statistical support in your projects in epidemiology and human health, diet and obesity, lifestyle and sporting activities, demographic studies and evaluations, healthy ageing and life expectancy, etc.

Some of the selected examples of projects undertaken by our members are discussed below.