Analytic decision-making for businesses and other organisations is a complex process combining the elements of data analysis, data visualisation, and prediction of the likely future outcomes depending on decisions you make.

There is a great variety of analytic software platforms available to support business and other decisions. Each of these platforms addresses specific aspects of a decision-making process and supports a variety of business intelligence features.

At ACHSOL, we will be able to support your decision-making by placing it on a scientific foundation of an appropriate analytical consideration and development involving the existing analytics software platforms. In addition, we should also be able to develop advance in-house decision-making tools on the basis of predictive statistical and mathematical modelling addressing your specific needs and decision-making environment.


Multicriteria Decision-making

Competition2 400This type of analytic decision-making (and, particularly, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)) has exceptionally diverse applications in a variety of situations and industries including government policy making, critical business decisions, social framework, education, medicine and healthcare, complex construction, optimisation of resources, climate change and environmental impacts, human resources decisions, etc.

We will help you to adapt and apply this powerful method to a variety of situations where you might need a ground breaking evidence-based decision to resolve a complex issue that could be a stumbling block for the performance of your business or organisation. In particular, we will be able to develop an AHP framework for your specific needs, advice on its practical application, help to interpret the obtained outcomes and choose an option best addressing your expectations and requirements. 

Unique combination of AHP with other advanced predictive methodologies available at ACHSOL (including advanced statistical methodologies and predictive modelling and simulation) could further boost the quality and relevance of your decisions, as well as leadership confidence.  

Please contact ACHSOL for further advice regarding options of various methodologies (or their combinations) for a better solution of your complex analytic problems or issues.